" We Are Manufacturing , Strong room doors For banks,temples . Home , business and comercial purpose Strong Safety lockers ,Hundi for Temples ..

We dont have any other branches and dealers in tamil nadu and other states, Contact us directly for buy our genuine SAFE products,

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Sri Venkateswara Iron Safe Works.



Sri venkateswara iron safe works as the name infers is a leading manufacturer of physical security products and office and archival storage systems.

Our solutions approach entails understanding of the specific problems of your organisation as regards security against fire and theft or storage and retrieval needs of your organisation, and the prescription of a solution for the same. The consequent customisation of products ensures on optimum solution for your needs.

Apart from the versatility our ironsafe places high emphasis on quality with controlled manufacturing processes, as well as service to ensure timely execution of deliveries, as well as prompt and efficient back up service.

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Designed and Maintained By Sudhakar (+91 - 9944164355)