" We Are Manufacturing , Strong room doors For banks,temples . Home , business and comercial purpose Strong Safety lockers ,Hundi for Temples ..

We dont have any other branches and dealers in tamil nadu and other states, Contact us directly for buy our genuine SAFE products,

Thank You,
Sri Venkateswara Iron Safe Works.



Our approach to business is based on understanding the customer business. Identifying the need and then providing a solution by customizing our products.
The FRFC can be provided with a drawer within a drawer to store post dated cheque, Passport etc.
The CDC can be provided with drawers of various sizes of to enable storage of different type of media.
The depository safes have been design to facilitate the cash management needs of different type of organization.
The compactors can be design to accommodate different types of storage requirements.
temple,banks,cooperative banks at kerala ,schools,colleges,pawn brokers ,trust organizations,jewellers,assay hallmarking centres,and invidual uses
Copy Rights @ srivenkateswaraironsafeworks
Designed and Maintained By Sudhakar (+91 - 9944164355)